The collection Conservation 360º is a series of multi- and cross-disciplinary books on current themes in the conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage. This series makes available technical studies to conservators-restorers, conservation scientists, art historians, professionals and students from related disciplines and provides a broad, up-to-date and rigorous perspective on topics related to the preservation of cultural heritage, its study and documentation.


The Conservation 360º series (peer reviewed, open access and bilingual English/Spanish) aims to carry the Spanish Academic Publishing Quality label (CEA-APQ). This quality label has recently been created by the Union of Spanish University Publishers (UNE), the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation (ANECA) and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and ensures the highest scientific quality as well as the informative and editorial value of the series[1].


The books

Each volume will consist of a well-balanced series of papers, written by invited authors as well as additional chapters by researchers in the Cultural Heritage field who wish to contribute to the topic of the volume.

The proposed manuscripts must cover original and unpublished work, and cannot be based material submitted for publication elsewhere.


Review procedure

The editorial committee will assess the relevance of the proposals and their contribution to the volume.

After assessment by the editorial committee of the relevance of the proposal to the volume and its contribution to the scientific community, authors are invited to submit full papers. All papers will be evaluated using a double-blind peer review procedure, guaranteeing anonymity of reviewers and authors.

It will also guarantee transparency in the evaluation process to authors, responding to the double-blind method and selecting specialized reviewers for a given original, guaranteeing the anonymity of the reviewers and the authors, ensuring confidentiality and having no conflict of interest on the proposed evaluation.




[1] The aim of such a quality label is to recognize (and to accredit) the scientific quality of series/collections edited by both public and private Spanish scientific publishers (i.e.: universities) according to some specific requirements that have been established around four aspects:

  1. INFORMATIVE QUALITY OF THE COLLECTION. Diffusion, access and identification of the collection, the inclusion of metadata and reviews in scientific journals.
  1. QUALITY OF THE EDITORIAL POLICY, the prestige of the coordinator and of the international advisory committee.
  1. QUALITY OF THE EDITORIAL PROCESSES. Publishers must prove the existence of detailed instructions for sending printed and electronic books, information about the process of selection of manuscripts and the reasoned communication of acceptance or rejection of works.
  2. REPUTATION AND PRESTIGE OF THE COLLECTION. Finally, the requirements in this section will evaluate the frequent publication of authors that are external to the publishing institution, the attractiveness of originals of foreign authors, the reviews received, the presence in databases, etc.