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  • Only original work that has not been published in another Editorial or offered elsewhere, regardless of its format, will be considered for publication.
  • Authors have the right to appeal to editorial decisions by submitting their objections to the editorial committee through
  • Manuscripts not following this style guide will not be considered.
  • Submission procedure info will be sent to you in a separate document.


General instructions

  • The file(s) should have an OpenOffice or Microsoft Word format.
  • Language: ENGLISH. Submissions should be written according to the official spelling of the most recent edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Submissions may either follow UK or American spelling. Non-native speakers must have their manuscript proof read BEFORE submission.
  • Length of the chapter: around 4.000 words (excluding: endnotes, bibliography, figures, captions and acknowledgements). Longer manuscripts are welcome.
  • Do not include summary nor keywords.
  • Number of figures and tables: At authors’ convenience.
  • Font: Arial, size 11
  • Line spacing: 1,5
  • Page margins: 2.54 cm / 1 inch
  • Title: centered in lowercase, bold and size 12
  • Author(s): Size 11, with capital letters, followed by affiliation, institutional address and email in lowercase. Two spaces will be left under the title of the article and everything will be justified to the right.
  • Number pages consecutively
  • Do not indent paragraphs
  • Do not include contributor’s notes. These can be inserted after final acceptance for publication.
  • Italics. Words in languages that differ from that of the main text are printed in Italics. Italics may also be used sparingly for words or expressions on which the author wishes to place emphasis.


Notes, citations and bibliographical references

  • In the manuscript, endnotes are used: size 10, single line spacing. In the published book, all notes will be printed as footnotes. The endnote referencing style is (author, date: page). Do not use ‘ibid’, ‘ibidem’ or ‘op.cit.’. For works by more than three authors or editors, use ‘et al.’ in the notes. (All names appear in full in the bibliography.)
  • The note superscript in the main text should be placed after the period or semicolon which ends the sentence.1
  • Citation style depends on the length of the citation:
  • If a citation does not exceed four lines in the printed manuscript, it will appear within the running text within double quotation marks and will be preceded by the author's name(s), year of publication and pages in parentheses:

Ex: As Wüster says (1995: 35) "is war einmal eine schöne Zeit für die Terminologie, da wir alle zumEinsatz bereit waren"

  • If a citation exceeds four lines in length, it will be set as a separate paragraph without quotation marks, indentation (2.5 cm on the left), font size 10 and a simple line spacing, with an interlinear space of 1,5 before and after the citation. The bibliographic reference appears after the quotation, in parentheses, as follows:

Ex: A genre comprises a class of communicative events, the members of which share a set of communicative purposes. These purposes are recognized by the expert members of the parent discourse and thereby community constitutes the rationale for the genre. (Swales, 1990: 58)


  • Quotations in any other language than English are translated into English. The original text is given in an endnote.
  • The omission of a part of the text of a citation will be indicated by inserting three ellipses in brackets: “(…)”.
  • Do not use automated endnotes.
  • For the bibliography, the APA 7th ed. standard ( ) for bibliographical references will be followed. The full bibliography will be placed at the end of the chapter, in alphabetical order and using a French bleed of 1.5 cm.



The use of subheadings is recommended. Conservation 360o uses numbered main sections and, if applicable, sub-sections.

The following subheader guidelines will be followed:

  • Main sections are bold, size 12 and capitalized.
  • Sub-sections are bold, size 12 and with a lower case.
  • Any other sections are printed in versal (not bold), size 12 and in a lowercase letter.



  • Illustrations should be delivered individually in separate graphic files.
  • Illustrations may either be full color or greyscale images and must have a sufficiently high resolution for print and online publication. The greyscales need to be between 5 and 95%.
  • Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining all the permissions required with regard to copyright, prior to publication.
  • All illustrations are numbered. The illustration number is given at the end of the sentence, before the full stop. Use the abbreviation ‘fig.’ followed by the number, in brackets ‘(fig.1)’.
  • Each illustration should have a caption with a number corresponding to the number of the illustration. The numbered captions must be submitted on a separate page.
  • The caption of images reporting artworks has to contain the name of the artist(s), title in italics, date, technique, size in cm, place, institute (no. inventory number), separated by a colon, of the artwork.



  • Tables should be delivered in a separate file.
  • All tables are numbered. The table number is given at the end of the sentence, before the full stop. To refer to the table, use ‘table’, followed by the number, in brackets ‘(table 1)’. Table titles should be explanatory but concise. Column headings should be brief. Abbreviations and symbols (e.g., %) are acceptable in headings.
  • All tables should contain a source reference.
  • Each table should have a caption with a number corresponding to the number of the table. The numbered captions must be submitted on a separate page in the manuscript.


Abbreviations and numbers

  • Do not abbreviate terms when first use, place the abbreviation after the term, following mentions may use the abbreviation. Example: use “Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Despersive X-rays (SEM-EDX)” for the first mention “SEM-EDX” for following mentions.
  • Numbers of years and pages are written in full, for example: 1609-1621, and p. 503-514.
  • Numbers up to one hundred, and such numbers followed by hundred, thousand, million, and so on are spelled out.
  • For numbers greater than one hundred, numerals are used. However, any number at the beginning of a sentence is spelled out.
  • Numbers applicable to the same category are treated alike within the same context. For numbers that represent decimal quantities, are used in combination with symbols, or express percentages, numerals are used.


Complementary material

  • It is possible to add complementary on-line materials and resources. This will have to be checked with editors.




Detailed information about the submission procedure will be sent to you in a separate file later.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all the points below.

  • The work has not been previously published or sent to another publisher.
  • The file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word format.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in these rules for authors.
  • The author(s) guarantee the authorship of the work they present, both texts and images. If the work has significant contributions from more than one author, they should appear as co-authors.
  • The author(s) guarantee that they own the rights to the images they present in their chapter, and that they have used the right of appointment, in compliance with the Intellectual Property Law. A permission waiver will need to be signed as part of the submission procedure.



If the text does not comply with these requirements or with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in this style guide for authors, manuscripts will be returned to the authors.


